Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Those are a few treats I made for the Holidays. Nothing decorated 'cause I didn't have time.
This is called Pave, it's a Brazilian dessert and there's a sweetened condensed milk based cream, bananas, cookies and meringue, very very sweet. I forgot I wouldn't unmold it and I used this "ugly" pan:

These are meringue cookies I made for the first time. They turned out delicious, just like from the bakery, seriously!! They just don't look as nice because I "iced" them like a swirl icing for cupcake, them they sort of cracked out, but I know next time I have to use another tip and make it in, let's say, one piece:

And here they are, all packed for presents:

Here are some of the panettones I made. It was kind of hard to find the right recipe (I've tried 3). I still haven't found it, but the ones I tried turned out very tasteful, however, I still don't like the consistency. They feel like bread or loaf, not panettone. Panettone is really soft, like a pillow in my opinion. I bought a branded one and comparing to mines, they do feel like a pillow lol. At least I got to give them the same taste and smell. Everybody loved them, as bread with a panettone taste :) :


Limora said...

Olá Karen
Vi seu post no meu blog Limora e adorei conhecer seu blog também. Então você mora nos EUA, que legal! Tenho uma curiosidade: já testou as receitas de brigadeiro e quindim aí? O americanos gostaram?

Olha, quanto aos cupcakes, depende do tipo de massa que vai usar. Se é uma massa que cresce muito, coloco até o meio da forminha (ou até menos), caso contrário, uso mais. Costumo usar massas firmes que crescem pouco, acho que funcionam melhor. Depois de prontos, eu abro um buraco no meio, depois recheio e cubro.
Ah, e é Limora por que é de Limão (meu marido) e Amora (eu).

Se quiser mais dicas é só falar.