Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Marek’s Birthday Cake

I’ve been rushing to finish my entries for participating of my first Cake Show, that’s why I haven’t posted but I couldn’t leave my husband’s cake behind :) It was a carrot cake with ganache filling. He’s been dreaming with a car since we “lost” ours, so I gave him the car I could afford haha :P His birthday is tomorrow, but we celebrated it last Saturday. But I have to say that I had a really hard time with the letters spray… Now I know why nobody writes or add letters on them. They get too heavy. Maybe just the letters would have been ok. Also, it was the first time I was using the patchwork cutters (not counting a class I took in 2010 that had a bit of patchwork subjects). It was fun, but I next time I’ll try to work with it more ahead of time, so the pieces dry harder. The spray and the car didn’t turn out as I expected but my husband was happy with it and that’s what matters. :)

Eu tenho corrido pra terminar as pecas para o meu primeiro Cake Show, e por isso nao tenho postado, mas eu nao podia deixar o bolo do maridao para tras :) Era um bolo de cenoura recheado com ganache. Ele tem sonhado com um carro desde que “perdemos” o nosso, entao eu dei a ele o carro que eu pude pagar haha :P. O aniversario dele e amanha, mas celebramos no sabado passado. Mas eu tenho que dizer que o “buque” de letras me deu um pouco de trabalho… Agora eu sei porque ninguem escreve ou adiciona letras neles. Eles ficam muito pesados. Talvez so letras teriam funcionado. E foi minha primeira vez usando patchwork cutters (sem contar uma aula que participei em 2010 que abordava um pouco desse assunto). Eu gostei, mas da proxima vez vou tentar trabalhar com eles com mais antecedencia para as pecas secarem melhor. O buque e o carro nao ficaram como eu esperava, mas o meu marido gostou do bolo e isso e o que importa :)

marek's b day cake

Well, that’s it for now. Probably next time I’ll be posting after the Cake Show.     

Bom, e isso por enquanto. Provavelmente da proxima vez postarei depois do evento.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Bear and a Fairy…

I still had two baked cookies left from last week and didn’t want to waste them and had the ideas already, so I decorated them. I really enjoyed making the bear :) Don’t forget to check out the other tons of creative cookies for the contest here.

Bear cookie fairy cookie

Monday, April 9, 2012

There’s still time…

I posted this everywhere and forgot to post it here! I’m a bit late.                               But it’s still Holiday here :)

happy easter2

Thursday, April 5, 2012

LilaLoa’s Creative Cookie Decorating Contest

Last week I was fighting a really bad flu that left me in bed for quite a few days. When I was able to sit and use my laptop, I went to check the blogs I follow and came across this great contest at LilaLoa’s blog (there’s still plenty of time to participate!). The idea is to create designs from the template below, that DOES NOT look like a present. We can add or extract pieces as long as we can still see it comes from the same template. Such a wonderful idea. 


I wish there were more contests like this to challenge us and stimulate our creativity. I got very excited with the idea and couldn’t wait to get better to work on them. But I still was recovering, so I decided to start creating them. Since I had all the time in the world in bed, I begun to sketch the cookies and a lot of ideas came up as you can see. When I was 100% better, I made the cookie dough and cut out the cookies using the template. It was that easy since the dough I was using was very delicate, but I could remould the mistakes before baking.

It was so much fun to create and decorate them that maybe I will make more, :) I know it might sound too many already, but it was so much fun!! Have I said that already?? :) No, I’m kidding, I only have 2 designs waiting to dry and that’s it. :) I’ll probably use the inspiration for another cookie shapes. After I finished them, I went to see what the others were doing and it’s so nice to see what they created. I also saw that some people had already similar ideas to mine, but I decided to post them anyways. :) In the end of the post I added the bride and groom together because they are a supposed to be a set, but for some reason they appear too small in the post :/

So, here they are… which is your favourite?

baby cookie

candy cookie

clown cookie

cupcake cookie

queen heart cookie

fish cookie

bride cookie

groom cookie

frankenstein cookie


octopus cookie

chick cookie

robot cookie

bride and groom